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Al Ammari has been operating since the 1970s, offering the best quality and variety of fabrics and textiles in the market. However, they have only one retail outlet. This means establishing a strong online presence has been vital to their expansion.


EDESIGN has worked with Al Ammari since 2011 starting with their first-ever website, we have helped them build their brand online in various ways including creating the latest eCommerce website that launched in early 2019 along with professional photography and comprehensive product information, giving customers the confidence to make direct purchases.

Online advertising supports the website and highlights special offers. We have also united different technologies and media to maximize brand performance – for example, each product now has an SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) allocation to simplify stock control as the first step towards full integration. We also use social media campaigns to drive traffic and build loyalty by marking key events and creating content that both informs and entertains by using a friendly virtual spokesperson we called Sarah, who humanizes the brand in a fun way.

Website Interface

Social Media Visuals


The website has been a big success, attracting customers from across Saudi Arabia and around the Arab world, even before full eCommerce features went live. On social media, the number of followers/fans, impressions and overall engagement levels have continued to grow. 

We continue to enjoy a strong relationship with the client and their sales have gone from strength to strength. Online participation grows with each new campaign as the brand is now widely recognized across and beyond Saudi Arabia.

The secret to success is devotion, and this is that we have witnessed from EDESIGN’s work.